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FRep - Finger Replayer

                                              FRep is Finger Record/Replay App. 
Once you record the routine operation, you can replay it by single trigger. Your own automatic operation button will be easily created.
FRep - Finger Replayer

 Record and Replay/Repeat/Edit operations of touchscreen and/or keystroke
- Easy record/play on current app, by pushing the button of floating console
- Console shows/hides depending on playable records for current app

Unlock key provides the unlimited number of records & Tasker/Locale plugin functionality.

FRep - Finger ReplayerFRep - Finger ReplayerFRep - Finger Replayer

Usage Example
- Recording analog Push/Swipe/Flick operations for automatic process/scroll/gesture
- Playing continuous virtual space key push with interval for browsing
- Preload delayed or continuous pushing in prospect of processing delay, such as CPU load or network communication
- Avoid blind area or blurring by the finger operation
- Combination with automation App through FRep replay shortcut/Tasker plugin
- Demonstrate your App in actual device

FRep - Finger Replayer

Nasir 354

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